Building Through Loss, 2017

This body of work is an exploration in finding a new sense of self as a young adult. It felt exceptionally hard after losing my mom suddenly in a car accident at the start of my teenage years. She had been a large role model, connection to family history, and part of my previously thought identity. I largely thought of myself as an extension of her, through genes, personality, mentality, upbringing, connections, mannerisms, looks, and so on. As a now freshly young adult, I struggle to grasp who I am now, the new struggles of womanhood on my own. I’ve taught myself lessons she would’ve guided me through. I look for clues in memories of her, stories of her from family, and stashed keepsakes. The more I connect to who she was, somewhat embodying my memory of her, the more I think I can learn about myself and where I come from in order to move forward. 


Transition of Identity, 2016